Plus, I made my very first ArtFire sale! I had been selling on Etsy for quite a while but their fees were killing me. (Especially since I LIST soooooo much!). I'm excited for Joy's order to arrive. I can't wait for her feedback! (She bought this bead!). Of course I had to spoil her a little! Included in her order are a couple other polymer clay creations, and a kitty cell phone charm!
I've been listing on ArtFire like a crazy woman, and I'm pleased as punch with my delicate flower earrings in a variety of colors. (See picture for an example!). They're only $5.00 + shipping. Not a bad deal for earrings!
Included in this post is another snow picture. =^.^;= This one has the pretty tree in our front yard, with a sunset behind it.
In other news, the Giles County Humane Association's facebook auction has ended, and I'm happy to report that ALL of my scrabble tile pendants got bids! They'll be going to their new homes over the next couple of days. One is making its' way to Canada and another one is going to England! Exciting to have my jewelry start crossing borders... and oceans!!!
A small reminder that you can find some of my prints on deviantART by clicking here, including one kick-ass fractal birthstone calendar. Hopefully next year, I'll put up a floral calendar. *grins* Wouldn't that just be the bee's knees?
And I've still been making Tree of Life Pendants. Watch for them in my ArtFire shop soon! Between listing, making, and commenting, there's hardly time for anything else... like cleaning. *winks*
Well, I'm off for now! Have a wonderful day everyone!
Great news, congrats! I have switched to AF from Etsy too. Hope this is the beginning of a very successful AF shop!!
Thanks Pauline!!! <3 <3 <3